Short. Sharp. Smart. Applied Business Development advice.

How BD45™️ works 

Bite-sized BD advice for law and accounting firms

BD45™️ is designed to make your law or accounting firm’s business development more successful so that you take your practice to where you want it to be.

It does this by tapping into the insights and advice of Sue-Ella Prodonovich, one of the world’s leading business development experts for law and accounting firms.

Delivered in one or several 45-minute phone or Zoom calls, Sue-Ella will listen to your BD ambitions and your concerns. Then she’ll give you tailored advice to overcome your specific obstacles and capitalise on the opportunities.

Every BD45™️ session will focus on a theme you choose - whether you need advice on starting a practice, setting a strategic direction, winning business from new clients, or planning for a pitch.

All you need to do is to choose which part, or parts, of your practice you’d like help with and then book online.

We’ve set out some of the key areas Sue-Ella can help with below. Alternatively, you can ask Sue-Ella to provide her expertise on any BD or marketing issue you like.

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What advice can Sue-Ella give you?

I’m starting a new practice or moving firms

Starting a new practice or moving an existing practice to a new firm can be one of the most exciting times in a professional’s life. It can also be one of the most nerve-racking. Sue-Ella can show you how to turn on the marketing and BD taps so the work starts flowing in. 

In your 45-minute call, ask Sue-Ella to advise you about how to:

●     Position yourself properly in the marketplace.

●     Get noticed by the people who matter (ie future clients).

●     Make sure clients follow you to your new firm.

●     Set yourself up for success with the right BD strategy in place.

I want a solid business strategy

It’s much easier to reach your destination when you have an accurate map. Sue-Ella can advise you on developing an effective strategy and then work with you to develop a practical plan for getting there.

In your 45-minute call, ask Sue-Ella to advise you about how to:

●     Set a direction for your practice that sharpens your focus and makes clients come to you.

●     Restore or reset your practice if you’ve lost a major client or account.

●     Spotlight your strengths and capitalise on them so you have a more profitable practice.

●     Identify the low-hanging fruit you may not see dangling before your very eyes.

I’ve got a big pitch coming up

Pitching or tendering for a new client or account can be one of the most effective but also most daunting ways to win work. This stress can be compounded a thousand times when you don’t even know what the client is looking for. Sue Ella can take the pain away from tenders and pitches so that you deliver exactly what the client wants and give yourself the best chance of success.

In your 45-minute call, ask Sue-Ella to advise you about how to:

●     Understand exactly what the client wants so that you answer the right questions.

●     Position your practice correctly so clients know why to choose you.

●     Uncover your hidden strengths so that you stand out from the pack.

●     Frame the case for choosing you in the most effective possible way.

I want to build my business development skills

With the right techniques in your BD kit bag, you’ll set yourself up for long-term business success. Sue-Ella can coach you in business development techniques that will help you win more clients the stress-free way. 

In your 45-minute call, ask Sue-Ella to advise you about how to:

●     Identify the easy wins that will yield maximum results with the least effort.

●     Build a network of referrers that will keep sending quality work your way.

●     Position yourself properly so that you get better enquiries and stop wasting time with tyre-kickers.

●     Set your BD to autopilot so the clients keep coming to you.

I want to get better at marketing

Some professionals think marketing is a dirty word. That’s often because they don’t understand what it is or how to do it. Sue-Ella can show you how to market in a way that’s built on authenticity, not the hard sell. The result will be that clients will keep coming to you without too much effort on your part at all.

In your 45-minute call, ask Sue-Ella to advise you about how to:

●     Articulate your compelling value proposition. 

●     Work out why clients come to you and then amplify this to win more work.

●     Understand how to maximise your marketing channels using the right messages and techniques.

●     Develop a marketing plan that sets you up for long-term success.

I want to build better relationships with my clients

Great practices are built on the back of great clients. But cultivating and managing clients requires special skills and techniques of all its own. Sue-Ella can help you understand what makes your clients tick and what you need to do to become their trusted adviser.

In your 45-minute call, ask Sue-Ella to advise you about how to:

●     Communicate more effectively with your clients so that you know how they perceive you and what you need to work on.

●     Turn your best clients into referrers so they keep sending great work your way.

●     Get more work out of your best clients by positioning your practice more effectively.

●     Turn bad clients into better ones and show you how to break up with the ones you no longer want.

I want to strengthen and extend my networks

Functioning, effective networks are one of the key factors that separate successful practices from average ones.  Sue-Ella can show you how to link in with the right people and build the kind of mutually beneficial networks that keep yielding quality work.

In your 45-minute call, ask Sue-Ella to advise you about how to:

●     Identify key people who can help your business and give you a plan for communicating with them.

●     Position yourself with your contacts so they understand what you do and refer your law or accounting practice to others.

●     Develop a plan for organising and making the most of your existing networks so they operate more effectively.

●     Discover where the easy wins lie so you strengthen your practice straight away.

I have a different BD question altogether

No matter what business development or marketing question you have, Sue-Ella’s here to help. After all, in her more than two decades helping Australia and New Zealand’s best law and accounting firms, she’s seen it all. (Well, almost all…).

And if she can’t help she’ll refer you to people she trusts who can.

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Confidentiality, Terms & Conditions 

BD45™ is an advisory service provided by Prodonovich Advisory (ABN 53 995 132 201). Https://

The parties will be entering into discussions about business development (the specified purpose) and Prodonovich Advisory acknowledges that it may be necessary for the Disclosing Party to disclose confidential information for the specified purpose. The Disclosing Party agrees to disclose information on the terms of this engagement.

Fees and Guarantee

Our fee is AUD $385 per BD45™ meeting.  GST (10%) will be added to this amount for Australian-based organisations.

When you book a BD45™ meeting you will be required to make a payment by credit card.

If you are not satisfied with your BD45™ meeting your fee will be refunded.  You must let Sue-Ella Prodonovich know if you are not satisfied within 48 hours of the meeting by email to . After this period the fee is not refundable.

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel your BD45™ session with notice of 48 hours or more you have the option of either receiving a full refund or re-scheduling your BD45™ session.

If you cancel your BD45™ session with notice of less than 48 hours you have the option of re-scheduling your BD45 Session.  Refunds will not be available.

From time to time it may be necessary for Sue-Ella Prodonovich to re-schedule your session.  If this circumstance arises you can either accept a new appointment or you can receive a refund.

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